Thursday, September 11, 2008

Always remember . . .

When events like 911 happen you always remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you heard the tragic news. Todd and I lived in a little house in Spanish Fork and I was home with the 3 kids. Kayden was only a few months old and we were nestled in the house getting the day started on a chilly September morning. The phone rang and it was my sister Shelly. (At the time I had three sisters living out of State and one having her wedding reception in Georgia. My dad lived in Mississippi and my mother was in Georgia for the wedding. I was completely without any family around.) Shelly asked if I had turned on the TV yet that day. I hadn't and she said to get it on quick and that she loved me. I immediately went to the TV and started witnessing the horror. I couldn't believe my eyes and my heart went out to those families who had no idea where their loved ones were. All of a sudden I started to worry about my family. I hadn't heard from them and started to think about how they would get home. The airports were closed and they were on the other side of the US. I eventually was able to speak with everyone and it all turned out alright. They all made it home safely but I will never forget that day.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I have a newspaper that the front page is black and the bottom caption reads September 11. I keep it on my desk to remind me of that day. I still cry when I think of the people who were lost and their families. Tragic!