Monday, June 23, 2008

Dog Blog ~ Introducing Ebony

I never thought I'd see the day we had a dog in our house! I'm such a clean freak . . . I always thought a dog would be such a mess. One morning in January (the absolute worst time to train a puppy) I woke up and had it set in my mind that we were getting a dog. I went to the paper and searched for a black schnauzer (Todd chose the breed) because I knew I wanted to name a dog Ebony. We found her in Springville and the family that sold her to us had sold her twice before but the buyers never came to get her. She was feisty and full of life and they loved her. They told us whoever ended up with this dog was the family she was meant to be with. With tears in our eyes we took her home and she was ours!
She has been such a blessing in our lives. Yes. . . she chews everything in site and loves making a mess wherever she goes. But she's sweet as can be and has been a joyful addition to the family. She is now 8 months old and is smarter than the rest of us! We love you Ebony!!


Revansh said...

iam new to this blogs..
say hi to ur ebony.
and take care of it...

kaylee said...

oh she is so cute you were right she does look like danny lol
shes adorable